JavaScript Boot Camp Resources Site

Fall 2022

proudly featuring the Mega Man Dance--click speaker in bottom right to toggle music

An 8-bit sprite of Mega Man animated to do a little dance An 8-bit sprite of Mega Man animated to do a little dance


Lesson 0 (Preliminary HTML/CSS Added Module)

Lab 1: Hello, World
Lab 2: Images/Links/Nesting
Lab 3: CSS Stylesheets
Lab 4: The Revenge of Hello World; using the alert() method

Lesson 1: Introduction to JavaScript

Lab 5 (CIW Lab 1-2): appName and appVersion

Lesson 2: Working with Variables and Data in JavaScript

Lab 6 (CIW Lab 2-2): Storing User Data in a Variable Lab 7 (CIW Lab 2-5): Using the prompt() Method Lab 8 (CIW Lab 2-6): Using the confirm() Method

Lesson 3: Functions, Methods, and Events in JavaScript

Lab 9: Return Statements/Functions Lab 10: The Parrot Lab Lab 11: Normalizing Input Lab 12: Event Bubbling

Lesson 5: Controlling Program Flow in JavaScript

Lab 13: if Statements Lab 14: the Lab That Wasn't Lab 15: switch Statements

Lesson 0-2: Forms and Intermediate HTML

Lab 16: Forms Lab 17: Classes and IDs

Lesson 6: The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)

Lab 18: Windows Lab 19: Images/dot notation/getElementById() lab

Lesson 7: JavaScript Language Objects

Lab 20: charAt() Lab 21: regular expressions and phone numbers

Lesson 8: Custom Objects

Lab 22: Custom Objects Lab 23: Custom Classes

Lesson 9: Changing HTML on the Fly

Lab 24: getElementsBy() lab Lab 25: appendChild/removeChild/createTextNode/createElement/removeElement lab

Lesson 10: Developing Interactive Forms With JavaScript

Lab 26: More Fun With Forms


Lesson 11: JavaScript Security

Lab 27: Tasty Cookies Lab 28: A Tough Cookie


Optional Labs Submission Form (for any/all optional labs--can reuse)

Optional Lab Starter files (with instructions in comments):

Sample files (referenced in PowerPoints and lectures):

Supplemental Resource Links:

  1. Visual Studio Code download (official site)
  2. CIW uCertify (online curriculum access)
  3. Visual Studio Code Tips and Tricks (official site)
  4. W3schools HTML Attribute Reference
  5. W3schools CSS Properties Reference
  6. Flavio Copes' HTML Handbook
  7. Flavio Copes' CSS Handbook
  8. Flavio Copes' JavaScript Beginner's Handbook
  9. W3schools HTML DOM Event Handlers For Use With JavaScript Functions
  10. W3Schools HTML Event Attributes (for use with inline JavaScript)
  11. JavaScript Spread Operator (used in one CIW example lab but never mentioned in curriculum otherwise, helpful to know though)
  12. The Agile Manifesto (original official site from 2001!!!)
  13. W3Schools HTML Input "Types"
  14. W3Schools HTML Input "Types" (More Examples)
  15. The 2020 Scrum Guide
  16. What is Scrum?
  17. Northeastern University: Agile vs. Scrum
  18. Ron Jeffries - Dark Scrum
  19. W3schools HTML DOM Style Object Properties (list of CSS-equivalent HTML DOM terms for use with JavaScript)
  20. regex101 (regular expressions cheat/help site)
  21. W3Schools: JavaScript Sorting Arrays/Compare Function (this is the complex way of customizing Array.sort() that we didn’t go over in curriculum/class, if you’re curious to learn it)
  22. W3Schools: JavaScript Classes Tutorial
  23. W3Schools Forms "enctype" Property
  24. W3Schools Form Input "autocomplete" Tutorial
  25. W3Schools validity/validation Overview
  26. - Indeterminate Checkboxes
  27. Mozilla WebDocs - HTML "file" input element/"accept" property
  28. W3Schools JavaScript Cookies Guide
  29. Mozilla WebDocs Cookies page
  30. GDPR Official Compliance Checklist
  31. SlashDot
  32. HackerNews
  33. Cookie Library Examples
  34. FreeCodeCamp: The Difference Between a Framework and a Library
a generic icon of a speaker, when clicked music will play